Town Enhancement


Quality of Town Streetscape Address the issues of (i) dereliction (ii) vacant properties in the Main


Establish a team to:   

Surveying building conditions throughout Main St. to the Marina (separating them into derelict properties and vacant properties)

Where possible contact owners of derelict buildings with a view to engaging them in repairing their properties.

Engage with L.A. to recommend actions where owners of properties cannot be contacted and ask for recommendations which lie within their remit.

Work with owners of vacant buildings, creating linkage with local groups and external agencies to identify potential uses for vacant properties

2018 Volunteers

Staffing time

Banagher  Development Group

Property Owners

Local Authority

Property owners identified.  

Short-term plans implemented that addresses current dereliction; remedial works undertaken to prevent further dereliction of property  

Land / Building Usage plan devised that can be activated by property owners and potential users

Issues of vacant and delict properties dealt with leading to greater sense of community regeneration  

Vibrant Street & Bridge Lighting Review existing lighting from the point of view of quality and aesthetics with a view to understand what improvements are needed.   

Agree on both the changes and timetable for which these improvements will be completed.

2020-2021 Volunteers

Technical Assistance regarding lighting and requirements on same

Banagher Development Group

Local Authority

New or improvement lighting works undertaken as part of town enhancement project.

Streetscape that provides renewed sense of Banagher regeneration

Implementation of lighting plan 2020-2021 Finance


Offaly Local Development Company

Local Authority

Banagher Development Group


Town Branding and signage


Signage, Branding and Marketing for town Develop website with a distinct logo and build branding around this. Consistent with the signage brand; develop an online/ promotional brand for Banagher and seek commitment for its use including purpose and proposed message of brand.

Liaise with businesses, clubs, and groups in town and gather their details to be included in town website.  

Seek approval from organisations that they would include brand with their own company and group logo.  

Develop promotional material and provide branding to public bodies for use on appropriate signage.

When all material and approval is gathered launch brand to local companies and groups.

2018 TUS (employment support)

Technical support

Financial support


Banagher Development Group

Local Authority

Provide Banagher with a unified identity that has buy in from across enterprise, tourism, education and community sectors

Provide Banagher with high quality on-line presence

Improve the quality and consistency of signage within the town and approach roads. Survey quality of town signage.

Develop an agreed signage brand

Identify key areas / locations around the town for installation of signage

Engage with L.A. on funds that could be accessed and develop an improvement programme for the town over a number of years

2018 – 2019 Volunteer input

Technical support

Financial support


Banagher Development Group

Offaly Local Development Company

Local Authority

Unified street signage plan put in place which “brands” Banagher; defines the town and provides agreed sense of place for the future.
Improve directional signage to Banagher from other designations Review the directional signage to Banagher from other destinations

Work with LA to erect directional signage to Banagher

2019 Technical support National Roads Authority and Local Authority Improved road signage providing directions and distances to Banagher from other destination